
Any endeavor in your life, if you want to be good at it you got to own it.

Super: Chuck on Ownership.

I've always believed that the sense of ownership is really crucial in a good outcome. Whether it’s your school, whether it’s your career or whether it’s investing. It's a very fundamental principal. You need to own your investing career. 

But it doesn't mean that you don't have help. That's what we try to do at Schwab. To partner with someone who can give you proper mentoring. We give them options but they make the final choices as to what they want. It's about being responsible, being disciplined and having the sense that I really do own my tomorrow.

Super: Are you ready to own yours?

Taking ownership of your financial future starts with the things you do today.

- Chuck Schwab, Founder and Chairman

Watch Chuck on ownership.

Follow the path to ownership



Your investments need your attention.

Even when you have a broker, it's important that you remain engaged and fully understand the decisions that influence your investing outcomes.

When you stay informed of the latest product innovations and demand fresh thinking from your broker, you can be better positioned to have a portfolio that fits where you are right now.

Lean forward and keep learning.

is key.

Challenging yourself and your broker can help you determine if you're on the right path and with the right person.


Know your


Knowledge can be powerful.

No investor can know everything about the investment industry and markets. But the more you know about your investments, the more informed your decisions will be that affect them.  Having a firm knowledge of fees, performance, risk and a range of investment products can be critical to your success.

faucet bucket

Be aware of fees. They can drain your returns.

Understanding what fees you're paying, and how those fees impact your returns, is crucial. Educate yourself and know all the fees you're being charged, such as management fees, commissions or account service fees, as well as the operating expenses that may be associated with your underlying investments. Knowing these fees can help you make the most informed decisions regarding your investments.

“49% of investors are unsure of the exact fees they pay.” *

* Source info

In a 2013 online study conducted by Koski Research on behalf of Charles Schwab & Co., 490 investors out of 1,000 disagreed with the following statement: “I know exactly the different fees I pay on my investments.”

apples and oranges

Don't compare apples to oranges. Use the right performance benchmark.

Your long-term investing success depends on a lot more than what “the market” does from year to year. Some quarterly reports give you a comparison to a broad market index like the S&P 500 or the Russell 2000. But, a generic benchmark may not tell you how you’re really doing. Your portfolio could be constructed to be more or less aggressive than the overall market. Your broker should work with you to create custom performance benchmarks based on your own personal risk profile.

“39% of investors are not actively involved in their portfolios.” *

* Source info

In a 2013 online study conducted by Koski Research on behalf of Charles Schwab & Co., 390 investors out of 1,000 disagreed with the following statement: “I am actively involved in my portfolio.”

apples fall

Not understanding risk can be what's most risky.

Ask yourself: What's the worst possible year my portfolio might have - and could I maintain my plan in that environment? If the question makes you squeamish or the answer is no, it might be time to re-evaluate your portfolio and any recommendations you're getting. Ideally, your broker should be proactive about communicating possible risks as things change in the markets, economy or in your personal situation.

“62% of investors say something prevents them from staying involved in their investments.” *

* Source info

In a 2013 online study conducted by Koski Research on behalf of Charles Schwab & Co., 620 investors out of 1,000 agreed that they have something preventing them from being more involved in their investments; lack of time, deference to an advisor and feeling overwhelmed – are the most agreed-to roadblocks.

Expect access to a broad range of products.

When it comes to your portfolio, doesn't it make sense that a broker would have the option to make recommendations from a broad range of products industry-wide? While it is common for many firms to offer proprietary products, if you are finding yourself feeling as if many recommendations you receive are for the firm’s proprietary products, consider probing your broker to understand the rationale.

“54% of investors are unaware of the different products available to them.” *

* Source info

In a 2013 online study conducted by Koski Research on behalf of Charles Schwab & Co., 540 investors out of 1,000 disagreed with the following statement: “I take the time to understand all the investment products available to me.”


Work with the
right people.


When building a house, you
seek the guidance of a skilled
contractor. When confronted
with a health issue, you seek
out the expertise of a medical
specialist. Why would you handle
your investments any differently?

The relationship you have with
your broker should be completely
transparent and based on shared
values. You should have as much
confidence in your broker’s integrity
as you do in their skills and insights.

“Owning it” doesn't mean having to do it on your own.

Put a value
on values.


Our promise.

You're not just a client at Schwab. We believe in partnering with you and getting to know you, so we can work together on your terms.

We provide access to commentary and insights from Schwab experts and advice that is understandable, relevant and actionable.

We offer a broad range of investment options from leading asset managers across the industry, not just our own.

We'll be open and honest in all aspects of our relationship, including what you pay for our services and the thinking behind our advice.

We design our products and services with a goal of driving down costs so investors have more money to invest.

See what our clients are
saying about Schwab.

  1. Bob Pecota
    Schwab Investor since 2007

  2. Katie Jarman
    Schwab Investor since 1983

  3. Dr. Jerome Blum
    Schwab Investor since 1996


Start owning it.


Schedule an appointment.


Please note there are certain eligibility requirements if you are interested in working with a dedicated Financial Consultant. Products with lower fees do not guarantee higher returns or that investors will experience lesser losses during periods of market decline. The implementation of any recommendations made as a result of advice provided may result in trade commissions or other fees, charges, or expenses. The experiences described may not be representative of the experience of other customers. There is no guarantee of future performance or success. Schwab refers to our investment professionals as Financial Consultants. There are certain eligibility requirements if you are interested in working with a dedicated Financial Consultant. (0613-4481, 0713-5233)

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