Do you ask for the rationale behind the investment decisions involving your portfolio? Does your broker offer any explanation? Do you ever wonder if your broker’s recommendations are really the right ones for you?
What are my broker's recommendations based on?
Do you ask for the rationale behind the investment decisions involving your portfolio? Does your broker offer any explanation? Do you ever wonder if your broker’s recommendations are really the right ones for you?
Do I understand how my broker is compensated?
Does my broker discuss his/her compensation with me? You probably wouldn't blindly write a check to a contractor without understanding exactly what you're paying for. So why would you allow yourself to accept such a relationship with your broker?
What are all the fees and commissions I'm paying and how do they impact my returns?
Have you educated yourself in the fees and commissions associated with your investments? Do you understand all the fees and commissions you're paying, as well as how they might be impacting your returns?
Do I understand the progress I'm making toward my goals?
Do you have tools at your disposal to clearly track your progress against your goals? What benchmarks and measures are you and your broker using? This should be simple and transparent as opposed to confusing and complicated.
Does my broker discuss the risks in my investment portfolio?
All investors need to understand the various risks in their investment portfolio and their tolerance level for those risks. But, how much and how often do you discuss these risks with your broker? Is your broker proactive about communicating possible risks as things change in the markets, economy or in your personal situation?
Am I offered a wide range of investment products?
When discussing investment opportunities with your broker, do you talk about options from various companies, or does it feel like you are often discussing only proprietary products from your broker's firm? Does your broker welcome questions about certain products you’ve read or heard about?
Does my broker encourage me
to be actively involved in my investment strategy?
Whether you prefer to provide less input or a lot, ultimately, do you feel like you are encouraged by your broker to determine how much of a role you play in the development of your investment strategy?
Do I feel completely comfortable discussing my personal situation with my broker?
Does your broker routinely take the time to understand your specific life situation and any changes you may have experienced of late? How comfortable do you feel updating your broker and revisiting your investments when your personal situation or goals change?
Is my broker part of a larger team of investment professionals at the firm where other people can help me?
Do you have a team of professionals behind you or just one person? Can you speak to a specialist in fixed income, global investing or financial planning when you need to?
Do I get the level of attention I want from my broker?
Do you feel like you are getting the attention you require or just what your broker has allotted to you? When going over your portfolio with your broker, do you feel like you're having meaningful discussions about your portfolio, or do you feel like just another appointment on the calendar?
You’re not just a client at Schwab. We believe in partnering with you and getting to know you, so we can work together on your terms.
We provide access to commentary and insights from Schwab experts and advice that is understandable, relevant and actionable.
We offer a broad range of investment options from leading asset managers across the industry, not just our own.
We’ll be open and honest in all aspects of our relationship, including what you pay for our services and the thinking behind our advice.
We design our products and services with a goal
of driving down costs,
so you have more money to invest.