Asset Allocation Calculator

Find a potential investment strategy

How might you allocate your account assets among the investment pools offered by Schwab Charitable? Our calculator helps you find a potential investment strategy based on the time you will use your account, your contributions and grants, and your investing risk tolerance.

Donor profile questionnaire part A

Your time horizon & granting behavior

  1. How long do you plan to maintain your donor-advised fund account from this point forward?
  2. Which of the following statements best describes your planned pattern of contributing to and granting from your donor-advised fund account during the next five years?

Donor profile questionnaire part B

Your risk tolerance

  1. My experience dealing with investments is:
  2. What amount of financial risk are you willing to take when you invest?
  3. Which investments do you currently own or have you owned in the past? Select all that apply.
  4. We've outlined possible best- and worst-case annual returns of five hypothetical investment plans. Which range of possible outcomes is most acceptable to you as it relates to your donor-advised fund account?

    Average Annual Return

