Schwab Intelligent Portfolios® historical performance

This interactive tool allows you to see historical returns for a sample of some of the available portfolios. Each investor’s portfolio will be constructed based on the responses to our enrollment questionnaire and may include additional options. Get started by making your selections below.

Global Conservative

This portfolio applies global diversification, which we believe may see lower volatility over time and expanded investment opportunities for growth because it reduces concentration in one geographical region. This conservative portfolio is best suited for investors with shorter time periods, typically less than five years, or more important goals. It emphasizes defensive asset classes such as Treasury bonds and cash while holding little or no volatile investments such as stocks.

Global Moderately Conservative

This portfolio applies global diversification, which we believe may see lower volatility over time and expanded investment opportunities for growth because it reduces concentration in one geographical region. This portfolio is appropriate for investors with a lower risk tolerance or shorter time period. This portfolio has slightly more stocks than the most conservative portfolios, but emphasizes less volatile asset classes such as bonds and cash.

Global Moderate

This portfolio applies global diversification, which we believe may see lower volatility over time and expanded investment opportunities for growth because it reduces concentration in one geographical region. This portfolio is designed for investors with longer time periods and moderate risk tolerance. The stock allocation is notably larger than more conservative offerings, but the portfolio includes more stable bonds and cash to help moderate volatility.

Global Moderate Growth

This portfolio applies global diversification, which we believe may see lower volatility over time and expanded investment opportunities for growth because it reduces concentration in one geographical region. This portfolio is better suited for investors with longer time periods and some propensity for risk. The stock allocation is higher than average, as it is designed for growth. The bond allocation includes more stable asset classes such as Treasury bonds but also includes high yield bonds and emerging markets bonds, which can be more volatile but provide diversification and upside potential.

Global Growth

This portfolio applies global diversification, which we believe may see lower volatility over time and expanded investment opportunities for growth because it reduces concentration in one geographical region. This aggressive portfolio is designed for growth and is for investors with longer time periods or greater risk tolerance. It has a large allocation to volatile asset classes such as stocks, emerging markets bonds and high yield bonds. Cash and precious metals help provide some stability and diversification, respectively.

Global Aggressive Growth

This portfolio applies global diversification, which we believe may see lower volatility over time and expanded investment opportunities for growth because it reduces concentration in one geographical region. This is a very aggressive portfolio designed for higher growth and is best suited for investors with longer time periods and high risk tolerance as it is likely to experience bouts of volatility. It emphasizes volatile assets such as stocks and has minimal defensive asset classes such as cash.

U.S. Focused Conservative

A portfolio with less exposure to international economies for those with a preference for U.S.-domiciled investments. This conservative portfolio is best suited for investors with shorter time periods, typically less than five years, or more important goals. It emphasizes defensive asset classes such as Treasury bonds and cash, while holding little or no volatile investments such as stocks.

U.S. Focused Moderately Conservative

A portfolio with less exposure to international economies for those with a preference for U.S.-domiciled investments. This portfolio is appropriate for investors with a lower risk tolerance or shorter time period. This portfolio has slightly more stocks than the most conservative portfolios but emphasizes less volatile asset classes such as bonds and cash.

U.S. Focused Moderate

A portfolio with less exposure to international economies for those with a preference for U.S.-domiciled investments. This portfolio is designed for investors with longer time periods and moderate risk tolerance. The stock allocation is notably larger than more conservative offerings, but the portfolio includes more stable bonds and cash to help moderate volatility.

U.S. Focused Moderate Growth

A portfolio with less exposure to international economies for those with a preference for U.S.-domiciled investments. This portfolio is better suited for investors with longer time periods and some propensity for risk. The stock allocation is higher than average, as it is designed for growth. The bond allocation includes more stable asset classes such as Treasury bonds as well as other core fixed income investments.

U.S. Focused Growth

A portfolio with less exposure to international economies for those with a preference for U.S.-domiciled investments. This aggressive portfolio is designed for growth and is for investors with longer time periods or greater risk tolerance. It has a large allocation to volatile asset classes such as stocks and moderate allocations to core fixed income investments and cash.

U.S. Focused Aggressive Growth

A portfolio with less exposure to international economies for those with a preference for U.S.-domiciled investments. This is a very aggressive portfolio that emphasizes stocks, along with a small allocation to cash. It is designed for higher growth and is best suited for investors with longer time periods and high risk tolerance as it is likely to experience bouts of volatility.

Income Focused Conservative

This portfolio features investments that pay out a higher percentage of their earnings to investors in the form of interest or dividend payments. These strategies include more exposure to so-called “blue-chip” companies and also include higher yielding asset classes such as preferred stocks, master-limited partnership, bank loans, and short-term floating-rate notes. This conservative portfolio is best suited for investors with shorter time periods, typically less than five years, or more important goals. It emphasizes defensive asset classes such as Treasuries and cash, while holding little or no volatile investments such as stocks.

Income Focused Moderately Conservative

This portfolio features investments that pay out a higher percentage of their earnings to investors in the form of interest or dividend payments. These strategies include more exposure to so-called “blue-chip” companies and also include higher yielding asset classes such as preferred stocks, master-limited partnership, bank loans, and short-term floating-rate notes. This portfolio is appropriate for investors with a lower risk tolerance or shorter time period. This portfolio has slightly more stocks than the most conservative portfolios, but emphasizes less volatile asset classes such as bonds and cash.

Income Focused Moderate

This portfolio features investments that pay out a higher percentage of their earnings to investors in the form of interest or dividend payments. These strategies include more exposure to so-called “blue-chip” companies and also include higher yielding asset classes such as preferred stocks, master-limited partnership, bank loans, and short-term floating-rate notes. This portfolio is designed for investors with longer time periods and moderate risk tolerance. The stock allocation is notably larger than more conservative offerings, but the portfolio includes more stable bonds and cash to help moderate volatility.

Target Asset Allocation

Donut Chart: Stocks 19%; Fixed Income: 57%; Commodities: 1%; Cash: 23%; Donut Chart: Stocks 36%; Fixed Income: 49%; Commodities: 1%; Cash: 14%; Donut Chart: Stocks 49%; Fixed Income: 38%; Commodities: 1%; Cash: 12%; Donut Chart: Stocks 64%; Fixed Income: 25%; Commodities: 2%; Cash: 9%; Donut Chart: Stocks 79%; Fixed Income: 12%; Commodities: 2%; Cash: 7%; Donut Chart: Stocks 94%; Fixed Income: 0%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 6%; Donut Chart: Stocks 19%; Fixed Income: 58%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 23%; Donut Chart: Stocks 35%; Fixed Income: 51%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 14%; Donut Chart: Stocks 50%; Fixed Income: 38%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 12%; Donut Chart: Stocks 64%; Fixed Income: 27%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 9%; Donut Chart: Stocks 78%; Fixed Income: 15%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 7%; Donut Chart: Stocks 94%; Fixed Income: 0%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 6%; Donut Chart: Stocks 0%; Fixed Income: 71%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 29%; Donut Chart: Stocks 25%; Fixed Income: 60%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 15%; Donut Chart: Stocks 40%; Fixed Income: 47%; Commodities: 0%; Cash: 13%;

Visuals are for illustrative purposes

Historical Portfolio Performance (as of 12/31/23)

Past performance does not guarantee future results

Bar Chart: 1 Year 7.78%; 3 Year 0.80%; 5 Year 3.76%; Since Portfolio Inception 2.81% Inception Date: 3/31/15 Bar Chart: 1 Year 9.94%; 3 Year 1.80%; 5 Year 5.18%; Since Portfolio Inception 3.94% Inception Date: 3/31/15 Bar Chart: 1 Year 11.89%; 3 Year 2.73%; 5 Year 6.39%; Since Portfolio Inception 4.86% Inception Date: 3/31/15 Bar Chart: 1 Year 13.45%; 3 Year 3.70%; 5 Year 7.53%; Since Portfolio Inception 5.64% Inception Date: 3/31/15 Bar Chart: 1 Year 15.34%; 3 Year 4.69%; 5 Year 8.61%; Since Portfolio Inception 6.32% Inception Date: 3/31/15 Bar Chart: 1 Year 17.07%; 3 Year 6.11%; 5 Year 9.69%; Since Portfolio Inception 6.97% Inception Date: 3/31/15 Bar Chart: 1 Year 8.07%; 3 Year 1.09%; 5 Year 4.24%; Since Portfolio Inception 3.52% Inception Date: 9/30/18 Bar Chart: 1 Year 10.77%; 3 Year 2.45%; 5 Year 5.90%; Since Portfolio Inception 4.22% Inception Date: 8/31/18 Bar Chart: 1 Year 12.99%; 3 Year 4.15%; 5 Year 7.75%; Since Portfolio Inception 6.00% Inception Date: 4/30/18 Bar Chart: 1 Year 14.94%; 3 Year 5.49% 5 Year 9.23%; Since Portfolio Inception 6.39% Inception Date: 9/30/18 Bar Chart: 1 Year 17.03%; 3 Year 6.92%; 5 Year 10.74%; Since Portfolio Inception 7.46% Inception Date: 9/30/18 Bar Chart: 1 Year 19.54%; 3 Year 8.94%; 5 Year 12.41%; Since Portfolio Inception 8.98% Inception Date: 6/30/18 Bar Chart: 1 Year 5.74%; 3 Year -1.07%; 5 Year 1.46%; Since Portfolio Inception 1.41% Inception Date: 6/30/15 Bar Chart: 1 Year 7.17%; 3 Year 1.33%; 5 Year 4.09%; Since Portfolio Inception 3.23% Inception Date: 3/31/15 Bar Chart: 1 Year 8.18%; 3 Year 2.74%; 5 Year 5.45%; Since Portfolio Inception 4.34% Inception Date: 3/31/15

All performance returns for periods over 12 months are annualized

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Please read the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions™ disclosure brochures for important information, pricing, and disclosures related to the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios and Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium programs.

Schwab Intelligent Portfolios® and Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium® are made available through Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. (“Schwab”), a dually registered investment advisor and broker dealer. Portfolio management services are provided by Charles Schwab Investment Advisory, Inc. (“CSIA”). Schwab and CSIA are subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation.

There is no advisory fee or commissions charged for Schwab Intelligent Portfolios. For Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium, there is an initial planning fee of $300 upon enrollment and a $30-per-month advisory fee charged on a quarterly basis as detailed in the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions™ disclosure brochures. Investors in Schwab Intelligent Portfolios and Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium (collectively, “Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions”) do pay direct and indirect costs. These include ETF operating expenses which are the management and other fees the underlying ETFs charge all shareholders. Schwab does not charge an advisory fee for the SIP Program in part because of the revenue Schwab Bank generates from the cash allocation (an indirect cost of the Program). The portfolios include a cash allocation to FDIC-insured Deposit Accounts at Charles Schwab Bank, SSB (“Schwab Bank”). Schwab Bank earns income on the deposits, and earns more the larger the cash allocation. The lower the interest rate Schwab Bank pays on the cash, the lower the yield. Some cash alternatives outside of Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions pay a higher yield. Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions invests in Schwab ETFs. A Schwab affiliate, Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc., receives management fees on those ETFs. Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions also invests in third-party ETFs. Schwab receives compensation from some of those ETFs for providing shareholder services, and also from market centers where ETF trade orders are routed for execution. Fees and expenses will lower performance, and investors should consider all program requirements and costs before investing. Expenses and their impact on performance, conflicts of interest, and compensation that Schwab and its affiliates receive are detailed in the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions disclosure brochures.

The cash allocation in Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions™ will be accomplished through enrollment in the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Sweep Program (“Sweep Program”), a program sponsored by Charles Schwab & Co, Inc. By enrolling in Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions, clients consent to having the free credit balances in their Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions brokerage accounts swept to FDIC-insured Deposit Accounts at Charles Schwab Bank, SSB through the Sweep Program. Funds deposited at Schwab Bank are insured, in aggregate, up to $250,000 per depositor, for each account ownership category, by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Charles Schwab Bank, SSB is affiliated with Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. and Charles Schwab Investment Advisory, Inc.

Schwab Intelligent Portfolios and Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Premium are designed to monitor portfolios on a daily basis and will also automatically rebalance as needed to keep the portfolio consistent with the client’s selected risk profile. Trading may not take place daily.

Tax-loss harvesting is available for clients with invested assets of $50,000 or more in their account. Clients must choose to activate this feature. The tax-loss harvesting feature available with Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions™ is subject to limitations which are described on the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions website and mobile application (collectively, the “Website”) as well as in the Schwab Intelligent Portfolios Solutions™ disclosure brochures (the “Brochures”). You should consider whether to activate the tax-loss harvesting feature based on your particular circumstances and the potential impact tax-loss harvesting may have on your tax situation. Please read the tax-loss harvesting disclosures on the Website and in the Brochures before choosing it. Neither the tax-loss harvesting strategy nor any discussion herein is intended as tax advice, and neither Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. nor its affiliates, including but not limited to Charles Schwab Investment Advisory, Inc., represents that any particular tax consequences will be obtained. For more information please visit the IRS website at

Diversification, automatic investing and rebalancing strategies do not ensure a profit and do not protect against losses.


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